Thursday, November 12, 2009

RJA 12

Research Journal Assignment 12a-- Progress Report

I've made pretty good progress with my argumentative paper. So far I have completed my outline, I finished my presentation on Monday night (November 9th), I have found some great graphs to use as visual aids, and I have since been playing around with my introduction as well as gathering more information to include in my rough draft. I started my rough draft using my formal outline which was much easier than starting it from scratch.

I still need to invest a lot more time to finish my paper. I will still need to compose most of the paper as I already have it outlined. I need more information to meet the length requirement and I need a great supporting conclusion.

B-- Presentation Plan

For my presentation I plan on starting out with how the Canadian health care system started out, but I plan on be very brief with the origin. I would then like to talk about the costs of the Canada's health care and I intend on comparing a lot the information I present to the United States. I am not doing the argumentation paper on the health care debate in the U.S., but I am using the United States for comparison because my audience is more familiar with the healthcare they use. I then want to end my presentation strong restating my views on the Canadian Health Care.

C-- Introduction Check


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