Monday, November 2, 2009

RJA #10

Thesis Statement

My research question: Is the Canadian Health Care System better than other foriegn countries (The U.S. in particular)

Claim: Canada has a better health care system

Life expectancy is longer
Infant mortality is lower
Per capita spending is much lower

Thesis Statement: The Canadian Health Care system is set up in such a way that can be beneficial to everyone in almost every aspect. It could easily be implemented in a variety of economies in various countries.


My claim is that Canada has better health care for a variety of reasons including:

Live expectancy is longer
Infant mortality is lower
Per capita spending is much lower
Everyone has the opprotunity to receive health care


I. Government involvement
A. The history of government involvement
i. 20th century
ii. The beginning of government involvement
iii. Saskatchewan Hospitalization Act
iv. Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act
v. British North America Act
B. The Canada Health Act
a. What it entails
b. Who founded it
c. How it was established
C. Canada's regionally based Medicare systems
II. Coverage and access
A. Difference in provinces
B. Consumer Reports
III Wait times
A. Difference in provinces
B. Statistics
IV Price of health care
A. Medical professionals
B. Drugs
i. Cheaper in Canada by 40%
ii. Hospitals vs. prescriptions
C. Technology
D. Ancillary expenses
E. Malpractice
i. Lawsuits in U.S. compared to Canada
ii. Medical spending
V Health care outcomes
A. Heart attacks
B. Cancer
C. Racial and ethnic differences
VI Impact on economy
A. Corporates’ bottom lines
B. Labor costs
VII Flexibility
A. Job lock (anti)
B. 2009 Canadian federal budget
VIII Politics of health
A. Private care
B. Consumer driven health care
Sorry that the outline doesn't look good. The format wouldn't let be use tabs.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty good, but I think you need to be a little more specific in your thesis statement. Maybe narrow your topic down, and just talk about the U.S. directly in your thesis.
