Monday, November 2, 2009

RJA #11

RJA #11

RJA 11 A-- Introduction-- A worldwide controversy that greatly affects a persons life, not just an issue that could change what type of car you'll be driving or not being able to purchase marijuana, but an issue that will greatly affect the quality of your life and the lives of others and the length or your life. The controversial apsect of healthcare.

B Visual Aids

1) Rate of deaths preventable by health care in a bar graph of nations
2) Expense of health care per capita spending
3) Average wait times and cost for a procedure in each nations health care system
4) Bar graph of life expectancy in Canada and the U.S.
5) Infant mortality per 1,000 births in Canada and the United States---bar graph

C Thesis Statement Check




  1. In your introduction just make sure you include your thesis statement.

  2. Your introduction is very well said! good job!
