Thursday, September 24, 2009

RJA #6

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

-Author: Joseph S. Ross
-Article: Comparison of the US and Canadian Health Care Systems
-Periodical: A Tale of 2 Mount Sinai’s
- Volume/Issue: Vol. 300 No. 16
-Date: October 22/29, 2008

-Author: Roy Romanow
-Article: Canadian health care - Prescription for change
-Periofical: The Economist
-Volume/Issue: 365, no. 8302
-Date: 12/7/2002

-Resource Searched: Worldcat
-Keywords used: Canadian Health Care
- Date of search: 9/24/09
-Number of hits: 23,023
-Relevance of hits: 5

RJA #6b Search Strings

Canadian Health Care +System +Social lmplications -government benefits
Canada's +Health Care +Citizen's opinion
Canadian +Health Care -opinions "healthcare policy" +benfits -oboma -reform

CanadaNEARHealthcareANDissuesOR"Health Care Policy"NOTobomaNOTreform

RJA #6c Protopage

My Protopage Link

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