Thursday, October 1, 2009

Internet Research Project

The Carrot2 Clustering Engine

The Carrot2 Clustering Engine automatically organize small collections of documents thematic categories.
The main goal of Carrot2 Clustering Engine is to help users to better understand search results and to perform their searches more effectively using algorithms to aim at maximizing the usefulness of clusters they produce. Search results clustering is a process of organising document references returned by a search engine into a number of meaningful thematic categories


  • different preferences different people may have.
  • algorithms' parameters (lingo of parameters)
  • will be more than one "correct" solution for one data set
  • Only works for more recent Windows Operating Systems


  • Searches popular search engines such as Ask, Bing, Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Cuil, Exalead, Entireweb, Scholar
  • Lastest technology in search engines combining clustering to easily find what you're looking for
  • Easy to use

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