Thursday, September 24, 2009

RJA #6

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

-Author: Joseph S. Ross
-Article: Comparison of the US and Canadian Health Care Systems
-Periodical: A Tale of 2 Mount Sinai’s
- Volume/Issue: Vol. 300 No. 16
-Date: October 22/29, 2008

-Author: Roy Romanow
-Article: Canadian health care - Prescription for change
-Periofical: The Economist
-Volume/Issue: 365, no. 8302
-Date: 12/7/2002

-Resource Searched: Worldcat
-Keywords used: Canadian Health Care
- Date of search: 9/24/09
-Number of hits: 23,023
-Relevance of hits: 5

RJA #6b Search Strings

Canadian Health Care +System +Social lmplications -government benefits
Canada's +Health Care +Citizen's opinion
Canadian +Health Care -opinions "healthcare policy" +benfits -oboma -reform

CanadaNEARHealthcareANDissuesOR"Health Care Policy"NOTobomaNOTreform

RJA #6c Protopage

My Protopage Link

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Research Journal #5

RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles

I started by using Citizendium since it was one of the reference works listed and with that particular reference I ended up finding absolutely nothing relevent to my topic. In fact they give the % relevence and the most relevent was 7.7%. I then used Scholarpedia since it seemed to be very easy to use like wikipedia but the information being more reliable. Although it seemed to be abundant of information when I search for topic information it said there were no title matches found.

RJA #5b Books

1st Book
-Author: Pat and Hugh Armstrong
-Title: Health Care
-Published in Canada
-Name of publisher: Fernwood Publishing
- Date of Publication: 2008

2nd Book
-Author: Terrence Sullivan
-Title: First do no Harm
-Published in: Toronto, Ontario
-Name of publisher: Malcolm Lester and Associates
-Date of Publication: 2002

3rd Book
-Author: Tom McIntosh
-Title: The Governance of Health Care in Canada
-Published in: Toronto
-Name of publisher: University of Toronto Press
-Date of Publication: 2004

4th Book
-Author: Pamela Behan
-Title: Solving the Health Care Problem
-Published in: Albany, New York
-Name of Publisher: University of New York
-Date of Publication: 2006

RJA #5c

Grants Search Strings

Ali's Search Strings

Research Journal Assignment #4

4a Generating Keywords

Is the Canadian Health care system in the people's best interest?

FO= Canadian Health Care System, Canadian Health Care problems, Canadian Health Care association, Canadian Health Care plan, Canadian Health Care agency, Canadian Health Care issues, Canadian Health Care act, Canadian Health Care reform, Socialized Medicine, Canadian Health Care benefits.

RE/ST= Universal Health Care System, National Health Care, Reform, Canada's Health issues, Socialized Medicine

LOG Social Science---Political Science----Canadian Political Science---Health---Health Care---Canadian Health Care---Canadian Health Care System

4b Writing Search Strings

a)Canada's +Health Care +Citizen's opinion
b) Canadian +Health Care -opinions "healthcare policy" +benfits -oboma -reform
CanadaNEARHealthcareANDissuesOR"Health Care Policy"NOTobomaNOTreformNotunited states

4c Checking Research Questions

Tyson's Research Question

Sofia's Research Question

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Research Journal #2c

Chris's delicious account link

Research Journal #2b

I had many interents when it came to choosing a topic, but after much thought and elmination I narrowed it down to the Canadian Health Care System. The obvious reasons that I choose this topic is that i'm very interested in the health care field, but more importantly this topic could actually greatly affect each and every one of us. When I say greatly affect us I dont mean affect us in what type of shampoo we will be using or the type of electric car we will be driving in the future, but the actual quality of living we might experience.

Another reason I choose this topic is when it comes to how much I really know about Canada's health care its very little. I'm aware that their government controls the health care system and that's about it. My ignorance actually really excites me to learn in great depth about the health care system that one day America might adopt.

I'm actually really stimulated to learn about this topic. I want to know its flaws, advantages, and everything inbetween. My main concern for this paper is after learning in depth about my topic is being bias. I have good intentions while studying my topic with an open mind and letting it flow on paper.

Research Journal #2a

For me to choose a topic I first thought of all the topics I was interested in which you can find in my first research journal. I have to admit it was tough to find a topic that isn't too broad but yet enough information to write a twelve page paper on. Through much elimation I settled on the Canadian Health Care System for a variety of reasons.